Love, Lust & Crushdrews: A Submission Highlight Reel

By Ayla Ahmed

The experience of love, relationships, or any form of romantic connection varies in St Andrews. Although the famous saying “you either leave St Andrews married or an alcoholic” outlines a binary that a major portion of our little town agrees with, you seldom come across two stories with matching narratives. Some find the love of their life in first year, only to realize that eighteen year olds tend to grow into another person. Others swear to celibacy the second they drive past that Fairmont castle, only to fall into someone's arms at the Vic in the middle of their third year – this also tends to mark the last time said person enters the Vic.

Regardless of your experiences, a particular hallmark comes to everyone’s mind when the students of St Andrews are prompted with the notion of love. That, my dear friends, is our beloved Crushdrews

This famous account exists for the sole purpose of connection across the student body by utilizing anonymous messages from shy and timid students. Crushdrews creates an opportunity to not only proclaim your admiration but to be desired, all behind the comfort of a screen. 

Most people don’t know who started it, or who runs it now. Are they the same person or did someone else inherit the account? Truth be told, it doesn’t really matter. Whether this person is peering down at us from a South Street flat or hiding in plain sight behind the windows of Taste, they are one of the most famous people in this town. Talk about climbing to the top of the St Andrews tower, am I right?

Given that this article is set to be released on Valentine's Day, I figured that the perfect way to celebrate this joyous occasion is with a reiteration of a few iconic Crushdrews submissions. The following were picked by none other than the owner of the account themself. We might not know who they are, but we know they have good taste. 

  1. “Cute girl in the library basement with brown hair and an eyebrow piercing, made the last day of revision not as bad 🙂, good luck with your exam”

Fast forward a few days: “Really should have gone to more lectures, she was in the same exam as me 😭”

  1. “Blonde girl I dance with at szentek. I fully fumbled by quadruple texting her afterwards” 

  2. “The guy who gave me a bouquet of red roses outside bonkers tonight, I’ve changed my mind, you can have my number!!!”

  3. “That fresher who was in Whey Pat today with the striped rugby top and has a brown mullet. I am in LOVE let me shark on you PLEASE REVEAL YOURSELF LET ME BE YOUR MOTHER AND COMMIT ACADEMIC INCEST WITH YOU PLEASE” 

  4. “Hot Dutch history lecturer, I’d let him print my press any day of the week”

  5. “The very cute medic? At Friday beach bop who kept dancing while doing her Duolingo streak”

  6. “Crush on the girl I just ha[d] sex with and then pulled up kayak videos straight after, wish she looked at me like that”

  7. “To the guy that offered to loan me cash for my lunch today: thank you and also I’m so sorry I fumbled that entire interaction, I totally panicked. Maybe he can buy me a coffee sometime tho ~”

  8. “If my ex ain’t a valid answer then the guys who works at Greggs” ,

  9. “The strange but gorgeous drunk guy who begged me and my friends for a cigarette…”

  10. “My best friend, but I don’t think his boyfriend would like that”

  11. “I never understood crushdrews until this moment. The most perfect man I have ever seen wearing a muscle tank at the gym yesterday with fluffy brown hair. He makes me want to go to the gym. Nothing makes me want to go to the gym”

  12. “The girl in my maths for Econ tutorial wearing a green top with a messy bun. I’d let her ruin my life”

  13. “Girl from back home I have a crush on posted on her ig story that she was in St Andrews today. Went to swipe up and ask her on a date but couldn’t cuz she doesn’t follow me back. Guess I’ll go get Subway instead 😭”

  14. “Crush on the boy I got with yesterday just as one of my flatmates was moving in 😬 thanks for signing up to my society at the freshers fayre after”

  15. Gosh I’ve been positively VEXED. I’ve had a crush on my academic dad since the beginning. He’s such a smart, interesting, and spirited guy. AND we have similar interests…I’m so cooked 🍳🍳🍳. I’ve tried to subdue these feelings because I have such a good academic family I don’t want to ruin it. However, May dip is all cleansing. So, dear academic dad, this is the sign SHE LIKES YOU”

  16. “The guy who bought me LemSip, strepsils, and tea when I was sick during Freshers Week”

  17. “I have a crush on my mate with a mullet he’s so gorg 🙏. He’s friendzoned me twice but I keep falling in love with him over and over 😔😔”

  18. “Crush on this guy who cooked me fish on the wrong side up so the skin wasn’t really cooked ♥️. He tried and it was seasoned really well” 

  19. “I’m literally in love. I want to have his children. Don’t tell him who I am tho. I’m too embarrassed.”

While this barely scratches the surface of what this account has to offer, consider it a highlight reel, a handpicked selection that truly captures its essence. Now, whether or not this account has sparked real-life romance, we may never know. But I like to think it has, in some small way, helped bring people together. And even if it hasn’t, I’d like to believe that was always the goal. So, to our wonderful Crushdrews account owner – thank you for bringing a little romance to KY16.

All views expressed in this article are the author’s own, and may not reflect the opinions of N/A Magazine.

Posted Friday 14th February 2025.

Edited by Selen Tonkul